

Vegapunk is a curatorial project by Simona Da Pozzo, born within Ex-voto in 2013 within the walls of N°9 in Via Lazzaro Palazzi (Milan). Vegapunk materializes in 2021, abandons the bits of the net in 2025, to remain pure modus operandi

Vegapunk is project of sharing artistic practices driven by dialogue (between people, formats, disciplines) whose focus is to highlight both intellectual and physical process of the work. The development of exhibitions, talks and sharing moments is the result of an empirical approach. Pirate imagery dominates many glimpses of this project: a certain exploratory flavor where navigating by sight allows one to observe what is being done in the act of happening, and go beyond, but also a mode certainly more akin to a galleon crew than a White Cube Team. Vegapunk collaborates with artists whose discourse extends beyond the artistic frame to include inquiries entangled with the world, in a social and political sense, predelegating for time-based projects.

VVV-R Residency, exhibitions and talks. The project seeks to be a virtual and phisical space for critical reflection and a production time for videoart. 2020-ongoing.

Artist Hosting Artists, exhibitions and talks 2013-2019.

Camouflage, videoart screening curated by Marisol Malatesta, Simona Da Pozzo and Alessandra Arnò, 2014-2019

Vegapunk residency, art residencies at Via Palazzi 9, Milan. 2014-2019

Lessico Dinamico, a video-dictionary on Franca Ferrary research on movement and dance, realized in collaboration with CIMD