Non Riservato

Non Riservato


In 2015, Non Riservato was founded thanks to the contribution of Fondazione Cariplo and the partnership of the City of Milan. The project also sees the collaboration with the University of Milan Bicocca (Department of Sociology and Social Research) and Politecnico di Milano (Department of Architecture and Urban Studies). Ex-voto accompanies the development of the project for two years through the figure of Nicola Ciancio: president and coordinator of the project until January 15, 2017

Non Riservato is a network created by Associazione Culturale Ex-Voto (radical public culture) to connect professionals, creative industries, sport and social organizations, academic researchers, neighborhood associations and other civic groups involved in urban and social regeneration of public open spaces in Milan (Italy).

Non Riservato officially came into existence on 25 may 2013, during the public introduction hosted by the event Milano e Oltre at Palazzo della Triennale (Milan) and the release of the website Actually, the project began at the end of 2011, with a series of meetings organized by Ex-Voto in a theatre of Milan, as part of a monthly event named “Elita Sunday Park”. The themes of those meetings were closely related to sharing culture, urban and social regeneration, civil participation. Through the experience reported by its guests during the meetings, Ex-Voto was looking for a possible way out of social isolation, disenchantment, fear, egotism and frustration caused by the western economical system and its values now fallen into a deep crisis. And if possible, an amusing, entertaining, sustainable, creative way out. And it was not alone. 21 subjects, among the dozens of contacted, invited and interviewed ones, have joined Ex-Voto in creating a steady network – that is Non Riservato – with the support of Municipality of Milano for its start-up. A few months after its official launch, the project partners have risen to twenty-three and more are expected. All the partners act in public spaces and share the same opinion on them, considered as the place where stronger communities are built, as a medium to increase community partecipation in public decisions, as the physical and metaphorical linkage between public and private sphere. Squares, gardens, courtyards, streets, parks: public open spaces play a key role in bringing communities together, in creating new/reinventing disappeared social ties, in improving quality of life in towns. Culture, creativity, public and street art, design, architecture, gardening, running, parkour, urban games, food, bicycling, sustainable tourism, handcraft are some of the tools that Non Riservato use to involve people in rebuilding public spaces. Since the regeneration of public spaces is one of the aim of the partners, Non Riservato focuses on real world as well as on virtual one. It promotes cooperation between the partners in realising their projects, in order to share and increase professional skills, develop new models of governance of the network itself and become a relevant voice in social innovation.


Pixel-Picnic is a 1 km long picnic at Parco Sempione concived by Fabrizio Cosi, Nicola Ciancio and Marco Peron. On the first edition on May 8th 2016, Non Riservato represents its activities to Milan, with an entertaining, fun and adventurous approach. NR invites people from Milan to bring their picnic baskets and to set the table on their meter of tablecloth. Pixel by Pixel, basket by basket, the table on the ground takes shape and colour. Music from a live band will be played, urban games will send guests on special missions, while workshops, performances and challenges entertain everyone during the day.
Four thousand people met up at Parco Sempione, creating the biggest picnic of Milan. On the 7th of May 2017, the huge tablecloth of Pixel-Picnic came back for the second edition: Pixel by Pixel, the table was set by shapes and colours between games, workshops, food, performances, sports and challenges. For its third edition, Pixel-Picnic grows and expands its range by two days, Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 May 2018, in the name of creativity and sociability in one of the most beauties of Milan: Monte Stella.


Gallab has always been there! Non Riservato has restored, renamed and given new impetus to the old abandoned carpentry shop at 161 Appennini Street in the Gallaratese neighborhood. Thanks to winning the City of Milan’s civic crowdfunding call. With 50,000 euros, Non Riservato was able to reopen the workshop, equip it and make it available to all those citizens who daily or occasionally feel the need to have a work space to cultivate a passion and not only, learn and dare. The project was born under the care of Nicola Ciancio with IraC, Quartiere Aperto and Hypereden and today Gallab is an independent project directed by Eugenio Bulotta, Gallab manager and activator and expert in the craft.


In 2016, Maps was born, an online platform that collects the mappings of project interventions related to Non Riservato from its foundation to the present.
Maps was created within Non Riservato, curated by Simona Da Pozzo and Irina Suteu thanks the collaboration with the DaStu Department of the Politecnico di Milano and the Department of Anthropology of the Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca, founded by Fondazione Cariplo and with the support of the Municipality of Milan. Maps makes it possible to investigate themes closely related to the territory, giving rise to experiences of participation on a local (urban and micro-urban) scale. The map as a tool, in fact, allows documenting and organizing spatial and temporal information of various activities in an organic way.


Non Riservato collaborates in the implementation of Lacittàintorno, a three-year cross-sectoral program of Fondazione Cariplo, which aims to improve the well-being and quality of life of the inhabitants of the neighborhoods around the historic center of Milan, through urban regeneration, art and culture. With Lacittàintorno, Non Riservato has carried out several cultural and artistic initiatives, in various Milanese municipalities:
Rompiamo le Righe, October 2017, Adriano district.
A big creative party to inaugurate the projects of Lacittàintorno curated by Nicola Ciancio with Non Riservato content: performances, games, challenges, installations, music and sports, all actions aimed at uniting the inhabitants, exploring places and presenting the works announced for the Adriano/Via Padova area.

Between the realized artworks: the interventions in the public space by Borderlight Collective; Glocary, a project by artist Simona Da Pozzo, curated by Ex-voto with the performance “Some times words nest around a sound” and the permanent installation “Gambarimare” in Largo Bigatti. Wideopenyourself, an installation by artist Arianna Vanini, curated by ArtCityLab. Thecutline, by artist Ylbert Durishti curated by Asterisma. Playground, curated by Garten: basketball court in the Adriano neighborhood transformed into a public artwork with graphics by Stardelight.

Milano Attraverso

Non Riservato collaborated in the realization of the cultural initiative MilanoAttraverso. People and places that transform the city, a project of ASP Golgi-Redaelli, supported by Fondazione Cariplo and Fondazione AEM and shared by numerous Milanese cultural institutions and associations. The project aims to restore to the community the history of Milan as the center of a network of solidarity and social inclusion, from national unification to the present.
Non Riservato taked care of the artistic direction, involving network members in the realization of creative initiatives. Accomplished projects (2017-2018):
Hacking Monuments, a solo exhibition by artist Simona Da Pozzo on her research on monuments started with the platform of the same name ; La forza dell’unione! Piccolo Viaggio alle Origini della Milano solidale di fine ‘800, curated by Dramatrà, a traveling show to discover the solidarity history of Milan in the late 1800s; Inprimit, an installation created at Casa Jannacci curated by Asterisma with which it sought to reproduce the architectural element of the frieze in a contemporary key; INCONTRI, a path marked by the theatrical performances of Compagnie Malviste, which allowed the public to interact with selected monuments; I would so much like that you remembered, installation by Sophie Usunier, curated by ArtCityLab. A collective work in the corridor of the P. Redaelli Geriatric Institute composed of more than 20,000 post-it notes.
For MilanoAttraverso, Non Riservato also follows the communication part. In fact, it designed the coordinated image of the project and the graphic design of the events; it also contributes to the management of the official social channels, as well as to the creation and staging of exhibitions and initiatives.